POSSIBLE RE-INSTALLATION PROBLEMS AND THEIR SOLUTION ---------------------------------------------------- Should you receive the runtime error message 'Star Catalog not found. Aborting' after re-installation over an older version of Adastra, please try the following measures before getting in touch with our support department: 1) Delete all SHORTCUTS to Adastra which were not created by the install routine. In other words, remove those which you created yourself on the Desktop etc. 2) If runtime problems persist, go to your Windows folder and move/delete the file Adastra(.ini) 3) Finally, if you find you are still encountering problems, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Swimming Elk Software Manskiventie 1031 16790 Manskivi Finland E-mail: coeli-adastra@usa.net Or navigate to the Coeli website and post a query in the Virtual Observatory Lounge: http://www.coeli.com